Know About When and How to Enable the WordPress Error Log in an Effective Manner

While using WordPress, you can experience various error codes. Right from a mistake in the coded themes or custom coding, there’s a long list of errors for which one can get website error codes. For the smooth working of WordPress, you need to fix them immediately. For doing so, your first step should be enabling the WordPress Error Log. It helps the users in finding the errors that are causing the problems that you are encountering. With the help of this, you can track its source of occurrence to rectify them properly. So, you must first enable the error log to proceed.

When do you need to enable the WordPress error log?

Let’s have a look at some of the situations or problems when you need to enable it:

If you see your entire site crashed.
If you see a blank screen when trying to load the site.
Very slow performance of the site.
When you don’t know which plugins or themes are causing issues in the site’s performance.
If getting a warning code such as error 500, error 404, and many others.
You can also set up a WordPress error log if a plugin or theme isn’t functioning well.
Steps for enabling the error log in WordPress

Two ways can help you to enable the error logging with WordPress. This can be done either manually or with a plugin. Let’s learn about manual ways that you can do with 3 steps:

Accessing the Website’s Files

The first step that you can do is accessing the site’s file. You will need direct access to your site’s files for activating the WordPress logs. For doing this, one of the ways is using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). With an FTP client, users are allowed to log directly into the site. Once done, you are free to edit, delete or add files if there’s any need of doing so.

Editing the wp-config.php file

Many of you must have heard this term wp-config.php file for the first time. It is a core file in which all the essential configuration related details and database’s credentials are located. When you need to access the wp-config.php file to edit it, just download and use an FTP client. Apart from this, a file manager tool from the host’s cPanel can also help you with this.

Locating the New WordPress Logs

By performing all these steps, The WordPress logs are now ready and can be used. If you want to know about using it them go ahead and read. For the previously occurred errors, you will need to trigger the error again. You can do this by interacting with the element that caused the error previously. The record of this error can be found by logging into your site using FTP.

So, if you see any warning code during your WordPress Admin Login, you can follow these steps as mentioned above to get rid of them.

Improvement in Patient Safety Through Simulated-based Learning

Since the 1980s, patient safety has been a huge health concern throughout the globe. According to WHO, almost one person in 300 will get harmed during a medical procedure.

Amongst them, around four people out of 10 can have a harmful experience during primary or outpatient care.

In such cases, the primary cause is known to be wrong treatment. These errors cause almost 2.6 million deaths every year.

Conversely, misdiagnosis is responsible for 40,000 to 80,000 deaths on a yearly basis.

So, how is such a scenario going to be changed? According to a research module, simulation-based training can be an ideal solution in this aspect. Let’s learn how.

Better Communication
As per a study, a doctor works almost 61-80 hours per week. It is pretty disastrous from the viewpoint of human health and takes a huge toll on them as well. Due to this reason, many physicians also experience burnout syndrome. Around 40% to 76% of individuals working as medical professionals usually experience it yearly. In some cases, the bouts of burnout can affect the concentration of a doctor and force them to make mistakes. In this aspect, working on the aspect of communication can be helpful for them. Whilst experiencing an issue, a physician can communicate with others to tell them about the condition of the patient. This way, it becomes easier for the other doctor to take care of the situation with ease. Better communication can also improve the efficiency of a healthcare unit by 45%. However, communicating with each other during a medical procedure isn’t really a casual skill. It takes quite some time to master. You can create a simulated environment to make your doctors practice this skill set more proficiently. It can reduce the mistakes made in a real-life situation much easier.

Reduce Costs
Did you know that medical errors cost somewhere around USD 20 billion annually? That’s right! Making a mistake can cause your hospital to treat or correct some issues. You may have to pay the patient’s family as well, which may increase the expense even more. However, by undergoing simulation-based training, your doctors will perform much better, even under pressure. Therefore, they will make lesser mistakes as well. If everything goes by plan, such practices may reduce the number of deaths (around 98,000 per year) caused by fundamental medical errors.

Better Professionalism
Professionalism is yet another glaring concern that causes most people to think twice before visiting a doctor. According to a report, a physician usually listens to their patients for only 11 seconds. Additionally, around 21% of doctors also avoid various questions when talking to a troubled or concerned individual. However, this issue can be solved through simulation-based training. With it, the doctors can appear more presentable towards their patients. They can also improve their listening ability and offer the right sort of advice to everyone.

Due to its overall beneficial attributes, eNext ICU provides simulation-based trainings which gives delegate full exposure to the real life scenarios. Hopefully, it will improve the overall quality of treatment in the future and reduce error-related deaths to some extent.

The Best Tobacco Alternatives to Mix with Cannabis

Do you cut your weed by mixing it with tobacco? Are you looking for a healthier alternative? We have good news! Here you can find many herbs you can use with your spliff! So check out some of the other options to use instead.

Why Do People Mix Cannabis and Tobacco?
Many cannabis users smoke their spliff using tobacco for many reasons. First, it helps stretch their stash further. Secondly, some people believe mixing tobacco with weed helps it to burn better than smoking cannabis alone.

Yet, others feel the nicotine combined with the cannabis gives a different high for them to enjoy. Still, no matter how you smoke, your weed using it with tobacco presents many health risks. For one, tobacco contains harmful carcinogens, causing cardiovascular disease and cancer.

However, it is not a reason to stop smoking your weed as you can substitute it with natural herbs:

Mixing Your Spliff with Herbs
Smoking natural herbs with your cannabis is a healthier solution, and you can grow them alongside your weed crop. Doing this protects the outdoor growth against passersby and pests. So if you want a tobacco alternative give these herbs a try.

1. Wild Dagga
Leonotis leonurus is from the mint family, a shrub found in Southern Africa. Many people know it as the lion’s tail as it produces a mild psychoactive effect. In the Khoikhoi and Hottentot nationality, they used to smoke it to relax and have euphoric properties.

They used the bark, leaves, and roots for snakebites, scorpions, and bee stings. Alternatively, they used it as an infusion for blood conditions. The wild dagga plant contains marrubiin containing cardioprotective and antioxidant properties. Smoking the flowers or leaves you feeling relaxed with a high similar to THC but less intense.

2. Lavender
Who does not know lavender oils, teas, cosmetics, and beverages? It is an aromatic plant found in most gardens. The Lavandula is a genus found in the mint family with more than 50 species. The plant is native to Asia, Africa, and Europe. People used to use it since Biblical times for religious rituals and cooking. Different preclinical studies found that lavender helps improve your mental wellbeing. It makes you feel relaxed and is excellent for your digestion system. Smoking it leaves you with a satisfying aroma.

3. Damiana
The scientific name for Damian is Turnera diffusa, a member of the Passifloraceae family. It has bright-colored flowers and is native to the Caribbean, Central/South America, and southern Texas. People have used the herb as a natural aphrodisiac, and the Mexicans add it to a drink for love-enhancing qualities. The Maya used the herb for different holistic purposes as well. The plant smoked gives you a mildly euphoric high that works well with cannabis. It is believed that it mitigates the side effects of THC. Further, it increases metabolism and is used to suppress appetite.

4. Rosemary
The Rosmarinus officinalis is native to the Mediterranean and a perennial herb. It is also part of the mint family. Many people enjoy it in refreshing tea and mix it in their spliff. The plant has holistic purposes, and many people use it in cooking. The flower varies from purple, pink, to white, and the plant’s use dates back to 500 BCE in Rome and Greece. Further, it contains antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps improve memory and is an outstanding nerve tonic. When smoked, you get a fresh yet forestry aroma.

5. Sage
Salvia officinalis, you can also smoke with your weed. Many people use it in cooking for its sensual flavor and aroma. The most common sage is the white one. Sage people use it for smoking as it also has holistic compounds. Native Americans burned it to clean the air, and the Romans/Egyptians used it for therapeutic and culinary needs. The plant contains thuone, cineole, and camphor, which are antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. When smoked, it provides a mild effect with a pleasant aroma.

What Tobacco Alternative Is Best Mixed with Weed
It all depends on the effect you need, and the above herbs provide you with many choices made for different smokers. However, if you cannot find these herbs, you always have the option of buying readymade CBD smokes filled with herbs such as Chill CBD Smokes. The cigarettes consist of pure CBD mixed with natural herbs. Each smoke releases 10 milligrams of pure CBD while experiencing a peppermint/lavender flavor or you can enjoy your smokes with natural hemp. It has a unique filter design and is biodegradable. The best part is that it is nicotine and tobacco-free. So check them out and try them.